A visible human online reference for medical education & reseach
the detailed, free of charge www-atlas of human cross sections
of the Workshop Anatomy for the Internet

Dr. H. Jastrow

Department of Anatomy, Histology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany
(this presentation was shown at the 3rd Visible Human Conference)
(For viewing larger images, click on the minaturized ones, please!)

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Ladies and gentlemen,
in the present ‘information society’ with high-speed computers and increasing network connections throughout the whole world, medical education and particularly anatomy cannot do without the new media. In this context the internet seems to be the best place to offer easily accessible, interactive teaching modules for acquisition of a three-dimensional functional picture of the human body.
The atlas is based on digitised sections of the Visible Human male and female as, at present, the most important international source for free high quality images of human gross anatomy including CT and MRI. In regions of special clinical interest like the head and with many small details more sections were selected than in others with less evident changes between the slices (Fig.3). Further, corresponding axial radiological images were included.
Image data were obtained from the NLM or its mirror sites. Decompression and conversion into JPG files were necessary to put the images at disposal in the internet. Thereby the original resolution was maintained. 12-Bit greyscale CT- and MR images were reduced to 8-Bits of grey. The JPG compression resulted in a strong reduction of the file size without naked-eye detectable loss of colour contrast (Fig.4).
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