List of abbreviations
of micros-
specialist terms
explained in
English +

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Dr. med.
H. Jastrow

of use
Overview urinary bladder (Vesica urinaria):
Pages with explanations are linked to the text below the images if available! (Labelling is in German)
epithelial cell
urinary bladder (rat)
crusta of a superficial cell
junctional complex between
epithelial cells (monkey)
thickened cell membrane
superficial cell (rat)
membrane vesicles
of the crusta (rat)
hemidesmosome, urinary bladder
overview thereof
hemidesmosomes of the
urinary bladder (monkey)
The epithelial cells of the urinary bladder have a thickened outer lamina of their cell membrane as protection against aggressive substance in urine. In the underlying apical cytoplasm a crusta is formed by intermediate and actin filaments as well as membrane vesicles which are characteristic for urinary tract superficial epithelial cells. These vesicles comprise invaginated cell surface membrane (storage site) and refuse with the cell surface membrane when the bladder is filled.

--> Ureter
--> Electron microscopic atlas Overview
--> Homepage of the workshop

Two images were kindly provided by Prof. H. Wartenberg; other images, page & copyright H. Jastrow.