List of abbreviations
of micros-
specialist terms
explained in
English +

Every attempt was made to provide correct information and labelling, however any liability for eventual errors or incompleteness is rejected!

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Dr. med.
H. Jastrow

of use
epitheliocytes of the epididymal duct showing stereovilli (monkey)
(for unlabelled original image click here, please!)

Af = Aktinfilamente im "Sockel" der Stereocilien; C = Cytoplasma (Zellorganellen und Zellflüssigkeit);
Cjc = Complexus junctarum cellularum (Schlußleistenkomplex, besteht aus Zonula occludens,
Zonula adhaerens und Macula adhaerens); Ed = Endocytosevorgang;
L = Lumen des Nebenhodengangs (Ductus epididymidis);
Sc = Stereocilien (unbeweglich, haben feine Aktinfilamente als Innenstruktur, ähneln eher sehr langen,
basal verklebten Mikrovilli als Kinocilien); SER = glattes endoplasmatisches Retikulum;
VsSekretvesikel (werden aus dilatiertem SER gebildet).

--> stereovilli in flat section
--> stereovilli, epididymis
--> Electron microscopic atlas Overview
--> Homepage of the workshop

The image was kindly provided by Prof. H. Wartenberg, page & copyright H. Jastrow.